How to Renew SSL Certificate for Exchange 2013
How to Renew SSL Certificate for 2013 Step by Step
1) Creating a new CSR (Certificate signing request)
- Open EAC or Exchange Admin Center Web page.
- Navigate to Servers section.
- Click on Certificates Option.
- Select Server Name.
- Click on Certificate you need to renew.
- Click on Renew option.
- Save the new CSR request to your desired UNC path.
- Submit the CSR request to generate a new certificate with your 3rd party Certificate vendor.
- Download the new certificate.
2) Installing new certificate
- Open EAC or Exchange Admin Center Web page.
- Navigate to Servers section.
- Click on Certificates Option.
- Select Server Name.
- Now Select Certificate with status "Pending Request".
- Right-hand side, click on the complete option.
- Now enter the UNC path for new downloaded Certificate.
3) Assign New Certificate to Services like IIS, SMTP, IMAP or POP
- Open EAC or Exchange Admin Center Web page.
- Navigate to Servers section.
- Click on Certificates Option.
- Select Server Name.
- Select the new certificate.
- Click on Edit Icon.
- Click on Services option.
- Click on the Services checkbox you want to assign and save.
- Certificate renew completed for the single server.
Note: If you have more than one Exchange server. Move to Step 4.
4) Exporting Certificate from First Exchange Server in the same Org.
- Export certificate from the server you first renewed or installed.
- Open EAC or Exchange Admin Center Web page.
- Navigate to Servers section.
- Click on Certificates Option.
- Select First Server Name.
- Select the new certificate you want to export.
- Click on “…” or more icon and select Export Exchange Certificate.
- Enter the UNC path, where you want to export the new certificate.
- Provide the password and follow rest of the steps.
5) Importing Certificate on Other Exchange Servers in the same Org.
- Open EAC or Exchange Admin Center Web page.
- Navigate to the Servers section.
- Click on the Certificates Option.
- Click on “…” or more icon.
- Click Import Exchange Certificate
- Enter the UNC path for the exported certificate you did in step 4 above.
- Enter the password you gave in step 4 above.
- Now click on "+" icon and add your other Exchange 2013 servers.
- Follow Wizard and finish the import process.
6) Assign Services on other Exchange servers.
- Follow Step 3.
Note: If you have Hardware Load Balancer, you need to install the new certificate on your HLB also.
Hope you found this helpful.
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